GWR is "The complete business waste management and recycling services provider"
We provide waste management solutions through a range of sub-contractors who carry out collections on our behalf. We offer Nationwide Coverage to businesses throughout the UK, and have over 35 years of combined experience in waste management and recycling services, offering complete zero waste to landfill policies and facilities management packages for businesses. We understand that every business is different, and the waste industry is complex which is why we offer free waste management consultancy to our clients to understand what their requirements are and how we can help.
For all of GWR policies and documents, please click the links below:
Bribery is a criminal offence. We prohibit any form of bribery. We require compliance, from everyone connected with our business, with the highest ethical standards and anti-bribery laws applicable. Integrity
and transparency are of utmost importance to us and we have a zero-tolerance attitude towards corrupt activities of any kind, whether committed by our employees or by third parties acting for or on behalf of GWR.
It is a criminal offence to:
We are committed to:
We are committed to:
We hold customer data as described in our Privacy Policy and we can also take card payments over the phone. In practical terms, we manage data, information and security in the following ways:
â—Ź Computers and laptop:
o Access to computers and laptops is restricted to the Managing Directors and Sales Team
o Computers and laptops are protected by a firewall and Norton Anti-virus
o Computers and laptops use Google Drive to store and backup files
o Computers and laptops are password-protected
o All staff mobile phones and tablets are password-protected
â—Ź Virtual Terminal:
o Use of virtual card terminal is restricted to the Managing Directors
o All employees with access to the virtual card terminal are made aware of the importance of
card security in their induction, and in ongoing training where required
o No cardholder data is:
â–Ş Shared with service providers (sub-contractors)
â–Ş Removed from the offices
â–Ş Stored electronically
â–Ş No PIN numbers are stored
o Receipts will be kept with confidential documents and accessible only to Managing Directors
o All receipts are shredded once the transaction has appeared on the bank statements
The purpose of this policy is to establish clear guidelines for maintaining ethical standards in all marketing efforts, ensuring honesty, transparency, and respect toward
customers and stakeholders.
We are committed to:
We are committed to:
We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury
and ill health to our employees. We are committed to the proportionate management of OH&S including:
â—Ź Fulfilling our legal obligations and other requirements (including the requirements of ISO 9001:2015,
ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018)
â—Ź Identifying and eliminating OH&S hazards as well as reducing OH&S risks to an acceptable level
â—Ź Consulting with our employees and providing opportunities for participation in the management of
â—Ź Setting objectives in areas we want to measure and improve
â—Ź Investigating any incidents and identifying the root cause to make sure that the incident does not
happen again
In accordance with the requirement of regulation 5 of the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance)
Regulations 1998 as amended by regulation 2 of the Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance)
Regulations 2008 (the Regulations), one or more copies of this certificate must be displayed at each
place of business at which the policyholder employs persons covered by the policy.
GWR maintains active motor insurance coverage, compliant with all legal requirements and policy terms, protecting against liabilities and damages.
GWR has been approved by Alcumus ISOQAR and is compliant with the requirements of: ISO 9001: 2015
GWR has been approved by Alcumus ISOQAR and is compliant with the requirements of: ISO 14001: 2015
GWR has been approved by Alcumus ISOQAR and is compliant with the requirements of: ISO 45001: 2018
This is to confirm that has completed the SafeSupplier question set covering the following topics:
• Health & Safety
• Modern Slavery
• Risk Management
• Environment
• Anti-bribery
• Finance
• People
• Quality Management
• Business & Professional Standing
• Insurance.
This certification underscores our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of cybersecurity.
For our valued customers, this means greater peace of mind knowing that we follow best practices to safeguard information.
Our commitment to all our employees working at GWR is to see that everyone receives fair pay that is higher than the national living wage.
Adherence to all Terms and Conditions ensures compliance, safeguarding mutual agreements, and rights, fostering trust and integrity in the business relationship.
Phone Number: 0300 303 4856
Sales Enquiries Email Address:
Customer Services Email Address:
GWR Waste Management is a trading name of
© Great Western Recycling Ltd.
About GWR
Opening Hours
Mon – Thurs (8:30 – 17:00)
Fri (8:30 – 16:00)
Weekends (Closed)
Bank Holidays (Closed)
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